Thursday 13 October 2011

Contact for Road Closures

Should you require assistance in getting to site (that is if the road(s) supposed are closed although listed as not affected), you can contact:

Mr Shaun       013 2720820
Hotline            03 77240707

Update: Drivers, take note!

The following is the route we discovered that will not be closed throughout the event. However, this is subject to the Traffic Police who may decide to close the roads as they deem necessary.

Please note that the route is as per map below. The reverse flow of certain roads that are part of the recommended route may be closed (meaning you may be able to travel from A to B as recommended BUT not from B to A)

Whatever it is, we anticipate traffic flow to be chaotic due to the road closures - please depart earlier!

Better still, take the monorail (stop at Bukit Nanas station) or the LRT (stop at Dang wangi Station).

Update 1 - Road Closures

Please see the following roads closure to plan your route. (below)

The good news is that the following stretches of road are open throughout the day:
a) Jalan P Ramlee in front of KL Tower - (from Shangri La heading towards The Weld) and
b) Jalan Jalan Sultan ismail from Renaissance Hotel to Shangri la Hotel

You can turn right from Jalan Sultan Ismail (on the side of Concorde Hotel) into Jalan P Ramlee and head towards Jalan Puncak, if you can get there! The Challenge is getting to that stretch of Jalan Sultan ismail


Please plan your route accordingly.


Getting to Bukit Nanas - Repost

There are several alternative modes of tranportation you can take to reach the venue of BAR Malaysia Staff Fun Day 2011 at Bukit Nanas.

You can drive or take the public transportation such as taxis, KL Monorail, KJ LRT Line, or RapidKL buses (although the buses are not recommended).

Please remember that Registration is from 0800Hrs - 0830Hrs only at Bukit Nanas. Do be punctual; otherwise, you may miss out "dropping your name" into the Lucky Draw box!

For those who are driving, we suggest you "CAR POOL" with those who are also coming for the Fun Day.  

1. To Menara KL Car Park
Drive to Menara KL via Jalan P Ramlee, Jalan Puncak and into the access to Menara KL. Park your car and approach the KL Tower Animal Zone you. Go to the back of the Animal Zone and walk on the suspension bridge into the forest. At the end of the 2 minutes leisure walk, walla, you will have arrived!

Parking charges at RM 2.65 per hour. Opens from 7.00am onwards.

Alternative Parking:
You can park at the base of Menara KL - a flat rate is chargeable on a Sunday. Walk up to Menara KL (KL Tower) as the shuttle vans are not operational at the time you need to be at Bukit Nanas.

Look out for the suspension bridge to Bukit Nanas behind the KL Tower Animal Zone, walk on it to arrive to the site of BAR Malaysia Fun Day 2011.

Alternative B:
Drive to Jalan Raja Chulan (opposite a Church) to the Information Center of Bukit Nanas. There is an open parking space beside the Information Center.
Walk up the trail pointing towards Menara KL and Open field. Once you had reached the open field - you will have arrived!

Alternative C:
Park at Jalan Ampang open car park (opposite Wisma Denmark / Dang Wangi Station - KJ LRT Line). Look for Wariseni - a building housing timber products and the trail up Bukit Nanas is beside the building. Take a slow walk up the concrete steps to the venue - 10-15 minutes walk (UP). 

Public Transportation:

Just inform the driver to take you to Menara KL. On arrival, ask for the suspension bridge behind the Animal Zone. Walk on the suspension bridge to the end and you will have arrived.

ROUTE A: via KJ LRT Line
Getting off from Dang Wangi LRT Station, head towards Bukit Nanas Monorail Station using the overhead bridge and sheltered walkway.
You will see Wariseni, a building on your right displaying timber products. There is also a signboard here pointing you to Bukit Nanas.
Take a slow walk by following the concrete steps up to Bukit Nanas. Do not deviate from the concrete steps and you will find the site of BAR Malaysia Fun Day 2011 at the peak.   

ROUTE B: via KL Monorail
Getting off at Bukit Nanas Station, walk on the sheltered walkway towards Dang Wangi LRT Station.
You will see Wariseni (a building displaying timber products) on your left. There is also a signboard here pointing you to Bukit Nanas.
Take a slow walk by following the concrete steps up to Bukit Nanas. Do not deviate from the concrete steps and you will find the site of BAR Malaysia Fun Day 2011 at the peak

ROUTE C: via RapidKL Bus (Not recommended - irregular)
Bus No B103 stops in front of The Weld. Walk towards Jalan P Ramlee and into Jalan Puncak. You will see the Menara KL sign on your right. Approach the Guardhouse and wait for the shuttle vans to take you up to Menara KL.
When you had arrived at Menara KL, ask the driver to pint you to the suspension bridge that leads to Bukit Nanas (situated just behind the mini zoo).

IF YOU ARE "LOST", just find your way to KL Tower and ask for the KL Animal Zone. Behind this Animal Zone, is the suspension bridge. Walk on the suspension bridge to reach the venue of BAR Malaysia Staff Fun Day 2011.

Please be punctual and do wear your official T Shirt.


Wednesday 12 October 2011

Directions from KL Tower into Bukit Nanas

If you are planning to head to BAR Malaysia Staff Fun Day 2011 site via KL Tower, the following information maybe useful:

1. If you are driving, the Ticket booth (halfway up the hill to KL Tower) is open from 7am. Collect your parking ticket and continue your drive up the hill to the carpark right in fromt of KL Tower. Park your car.

2. For those intending to take the shuttle van from the foothill, it may not be operational then (before 9am). You will have to WALK up the hill to KL Tower.

3. At KL Tower, look for the KL Tower Animal Zone - located beside the escalators up to KL Tower. It is behind this KL Tower Animal Zone that you will find the suspension bridge that leads to the venue of  BAR Malaysia Staff Fun Day 2011.

Although the parking charges is at RM 2.65 per hour at KL Tower, this is the easiest and fastest route to reach the site of BAR Malaysia Staff Fun Day 2011.

Alternatively, take the Monorail (to Bukit Nanas station) or LRT KJ Line (to Dang Wangi station). Hail a taxi in the vicinity to take you up Bukit Nanas instead of walking up from the other entrance to Bukit Nanas at Jalan Ampang/Jalan Sultan Ismail junction (Wariseni).

Better still, car-pool with the others - it saves cost, fuel and you guys are doing your bit in saving the environment!

See you soon!


Tuesday 11 October 2011

All about the activities


Do you know what BAR MALAYSIA stands for?

The Board of Airline Representatives(BAR)-Malaysia is an organization comprising all scheduled airlines with permanent representation in Malaysia, represented by a senior member of their own staff.

The BAR in Malaysia was initiated in the early 70s and from an entity of a few airlines it has grown into an organization with a total membership of 40 airlines todate. 

The key objectives of the BAR include providing a forum for discussion of issues and matters of interest to the international civil aviation industry in Malaysia and also to make representations on behalf of members to any appropriate organization/body/authorities on matters which are of common interest to members and to the aviation industry.   Besides its own regular ordinary/general meetings, BAR-Malaysia also works closely with the Ministry of Transport, Tourism Malaysia, Malaysia Airports Holding Berhad and other appropriate bodies through formal/informal meetings and dialogues on matters of common interest and concern.

BAR-Malaysia is a non-profit making organization and its normal activities are financed by annual levies from member airlines derived through a yearly budget process.

The principal office bearers comprise a Chairman and Secretary cum Treasurer from the National Carrier, and an elected Deputy Chairman.

The BAR-Malaysia Secretariat is located at the office of Malaysia Airlines, Admin 3 Building, MAS Complex B, Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport, 47200, Subang, Selangor.


This is an event created by the specially set up Committee headed by Air France-KLM Royal Dutch Airlines to bring the staff of the represented Airlines together for a day of fun and laughter out in the green forest park of Bukit Nanas - right in the heart of Kuala Lumpur.

The theme is simply - Fun.

16 October 2011 is the day when the staff and management of the different represented Airlines get to "sweat it out" by participating in the fun activities organized just for them in a forest environment.

With more than 60 sponsors (Thank YOU very much for your kind support, Sponsors!!) and still counting, there's plenty of gifts and prizes to take home.  NO ONE leaves Bukit Nanas empty-handed - that's for sure.

Stay tuned for some more interesting facts about Bukit Nanas and even more information of the iactivities specially organized for you. 

You are just 5 days away ... see you soon!

Updated Sponsors List

Can you spot the addition(s) to the previous Sponsors List?

Sunday 9 October 2011

Important Notes

It's 7 days to the BIG FUN DAY - BAR MALAYSIA Staff Fun Day 2011!

In order to make your presence more delightful at the event, do take note of the follow matters:

a) Have you collected your T Shirt from Air France-KLM office yet?

b) Do wear comfortable attire including the T Shirt taken from Air France-KLM office. Good walking or sports shoes helps as you will be walking a lot at Bukit Nanas ... slippers are NOT recommended for safety reasons. Shorts and jumpers are ok....skirts and tight jeans a no-no!

c) "Travel" light - there's no need to bring lots of cash. Leave all valuables behind (at home).

d) Possible items you may find useful to bring:  sun block lotion / insects-mosquito repellent / disposable raincoat - umbrellas can be a hindrance and sometimes a hazard in the forest! / cap or sun visor if you have not gotten the FREE cap from BAR Malaysia for wearing the official T shirt to Bukit Nanas on 16 October.

e) If you are on medication, do bring your medicine along. Although we do have a first aid box at site, we dont stock specialised medicine, only first-aid medicine and materials...

f) Come with a sporting spirit - you are here to enjoy yourself and meet/develop new friendship with peers from fellow airlines - not compete with them.

g) Punctuality - be there on time so that you wont miss out on any of the activities to which you will earn points that determine the type of prizes you can WIN....

h) Visit this Blog regularly from now until 15 October 2011 - who knows, you may find some USEFUL tips that could help you in the planned activities...and therefore, win valuable prizes!!! 

See you soon!     

Saturday 8 October 2011

Thank You Once Again Sponsors!

Once again, we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the following generous sponsors:

Without your support, our BAR MALAYSIA STAFF FUN DAY will not be so fun afterall!

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Collect your T Shirt TODAY & get yourself a FREE specially designed CAP!

Collect your T shirt from 10th October to 14 October 2011 and BE SEEN wearing it on 16 October 2011 at Bukit Nanas, and

We'll give you a specially tailored
BAR Malaysia Fun Day 2011 cap!

Collection Details:
Collection Dates:        10th - 14th October 2011

Collection Time:         0830Hrs - 1230Hrs
                                 1330Hrs - 1700Hrs
                                 (closed during lunch hour - 1230Hrs - 1330Hrs)

Location:                   KLM Royal Dutch Airline Office
                                 Mezzanine Floor, ParkRoyal Hotel
                                 Jalan Sultan Ismail
                                 Kuala Lumpur 

Telephone:                03 27112300

Collect your T Shirt TODAY ...
and remember to wear it on 16 October! 

Friday 30 September 2011

Getting to Bukit Nanas

Bukit Nanas Forest Reserve, right in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, can be considered a "secret hideaway" for many of us. We do pass by the site a lot of the times, as this permanent forest park is centrally located within the Golden Triangle of Kuala Lumpur, but do not realize it existed since it was gazetted as a permanent forest reserve more than a 100 years ago!

Getting to Bukit Nanas:

To reach the Forest Park, there are several alternatives. Visitors can drive or take the public transportation such as taxis, KL Monorail, KJ LRT Line, or RapidKL buses (buses not recommended).

For those who are driving, we suggest you "CAR POOL" with those who are coming for the Fun Day.  

1. To Menara KL Car Park
Drive to Menara KL via Jalan P Ramlee, Jalan Puncak and into the access to Menara KL. Park your car and ask the staff  (or guards) of Menara KL in the vicinity to point you to the suspension bridge (back of the mini zoo). Walk on the suspension bridge into the forest and at the end of the walk, you will have arrived!

Limited Parking lots and parking charges at RM 2.65 per hour. Opens from 8.15am onwards.

Alternative A:
You can park just at the base of Menara KL - a flat rate is chargeable on a Sunday. Walk to the Guardhouse at the entrance to the access road to Menara KL to wait for the shuttle van service to Menara KL. Ask (from the driver) for the suspension bridge to Bukit Nanas behind the mini zoo, walk on it to arrive to the site of BAR Malaysia Fun Day 2011.

**Shuttle Service commences at only 8.30am onwards and are not regular/limited seats. Walk up to Menara KL as an alternative.

Alternative B:
Drive to Jalan Raja Chulan (opp the Church) to the Information Center of Bukit Nanas. There is an open parking space beside the Information Center.
Walk up the trail pointing towards Menara KL and Open field. Once you had reached the open field - you will have arrived!

Alternative C:
Park at Jalan Ampang (opposite Wisma Denmark / Dang Wangi Station - KJ LRT Line & beside Wariseni) open car park. Look for Wariseni - a building housing timber products and walk up the concrete steps.  

Public Transportation:

Just inform the driver to take you to Menara KL. On arrival, ask for the suspension bridge behind the mini zoo. Walk on the suspension bridge to the end and you will have arrived.

ROUTE A: via KJ LRT Line
Getting off from Dang Wangi LRT Station and head towards Bukit Nanas Monorail Station using the overhead bridge and sheltered walkway. You will see Wariseni, a building on your right displaying timber products. There is also a signboard here pointing you to Bukit Nanas. Take a slow walk by following the concrete steps up to Bukit Nanas. Do not deviate from the concrete steps and you will find the site of BAR Malaysia Fun Day 2011 at the peak.   

ROUTE B: via KL MonorailGetting off at Bukit Nanas Station, walk on the sheltered walkway towards Dang Wangi LRT Station. You will see Wariseni (a building displaying timber products) on your left. There is also a signboard here pointing you to Bukit Nanas. Take a slow walk by following the concrete steps up to Bukit Nanas. Do not deviate from the concrete steps and you will find the site of BAR Malaysia Fun Day 2011 at the peak

ROUTE C: via RapidKL Bus
Bus No B103 stops in front of The Weld. Walk towards Jalan P Ramlee and into Jalan Puncak. You will see the Menara KL sign on your right. Approach the Guardhouse and wait for the shuttle vans to take you up to Menara KL.
When you had arrived at Menara KL, ask the driver to pint you to the suspension bridge that leads to Bukit Nanas (situated just behind the mini zoo).



0800-0830 Hrs              - Registration

0830-0845 Hrs              - Line Dancing

0850-0855 Hrs              - Welcome Note by BAR Chairman

0855-0900 Hrs              - Address by Organizing Chairman

0900-0915 Hrs              - Briefing on activities

0915-1145 Hrs              - Fun Starts
                                    - Individual and Team Activities

1200-1300 Hrs              - Lunch & Lucky Draws

1300-1330 Hrs              - Prize Giving

1330      Hrs                     - Fun Day Ends

See you soon!

Tuesday 27 September 2011

19 days to the BIG Day!

19 Days to BAR MALAYSIA Fun Day 2011!

The much awaited date - 16 October 2011 - is drawing near and the Committee is working hard to ensure YOU have a great time with great prizes and gifts to take away...

Keep a look out for more detailed information of the program, how to get to Bukit Nanas and other useful information on this blog....coming your way soon!

See you soon! 

Nobody leaves BAR MALAYSIA Fun Day 2011 empty handed!

The Sponsors List continues to GROW!

A BIG Thank You to all our Sponsors!! You will surely make our Fun Day a huge SUCCESS...

To-date, there are more than 60 sponsors who are so kind to contribute valuable gifts to the upcoming BAR Malaysia Fun Day 2011 and the list continues to grow by the day...

Sunday 4 September 2011


It looks like there's going to be LOTS of prizes for our BAR Malaysia's Fun Day 2011 this coming 16 October at Bukit Nanas! And you know what, it's STILL growing! Check back constantly to see the updated Sponsors list from time to time...

Thank You Sponsors - you'll make our BAR Malaysia's Fun Day 2011 really FUN for all!


Wednesday 24 August 2011


To all the Muslim airline staff of BAR who will be celebrating Eid very soon,  we, at Board of Airline Representatives - Malaysia, wish you and your family Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri!

For those who are going on Malaysians' favourite "Balik Kampong" ritual, we also wish you a very safe journey back home and back to Kuala Lumpur.

It's time to celebrate and re-bond with family members and friends - do have a joyous and blessed time together. Don't forget to bring some yummy kuih muih for your friends and colleagues, ya?

Thereafter, there will be another celebration on 16 October 2011 - another "Rumah Terbuka" for those coming for the BAR Malaysia Fun Day 2011 at Bukit Nanas. See you there soon...

Monday 15 August 2011

Recreate at Bukit Nanas Forest Reserve in the heart of Kuala Lumpur

Yes, we will be organizing a day of fun at BUKIT NANAS Forest Reserve - right in the heart of Kuala Lumpur on 16 October 2011 - JUST FOR YOU.

From 0800Hrs right up to 1300Hrs, there will be non stop fun and laughter as you mingle and indulge in entertaining activities together with peers from the other fellow airlines amidst the lush green backdrop of a permanent forest reserve - just for you!

You dont need to be super-fit, just be ready to laugh with (not at) the rest as you leisurely walk together on the jungle trails in search of "treasures" and participate in the many carnival-like activities - just for you!

Prizes to be won? Ehmm.... you will have to keep coming back to this blog for updates of the program and other useful information about this historic inaugural event - BAR MALAYSIA's STAFF FUN DAY 2011 - conducted just for you!

If you have any questions or comments, do post them here and BAR Malaysia will be more than delighted to answer your query as soon as we can ....just for you!

To all our Muslim colleagues, SELAMAT BERPUASA!

Keep this date FREE!

Date: 16 October 2011 (Sunday)
Time: 8.30am - 1.00pm

**Only for staff of represented Airlines on the Board of Airline Representatives Malaysia.

What is it? Where is it held? Is it FREE?
Come Explore, Experience, Enrich and Enjoy together with friends from the other Airlines represented on the Board of Airline Representatives (BAR) Malaysia. 

Leave all your hectic flight bookings and operational works with tight deadlines behind... come let your hair down for a while and join peers from the other represented airlines to have fun - after all, you deserve it and that's why this day - 16 October 2011 (Sunday) - is dedicated to you!

Check with your Manager in Charge for more information .... and register NOW!

Keeping coming back to this blog regularly as we will be posting new updates of the BAR Malaysia's Staff Fun Day 2011 from time to time. 

Better still, join us to contribute news, gossips, events and interact with one another here on this Blog. 
But most importantly, we want to see you in person on 16 October 2011!